Endura’s range of emergency services uniform provides the ultimate durability and comfort without compromising on quality.
Our range of UK Police & PCSO uniforms have been specially designed for the operational needs of bike patrol officers, with protection against the elements as an integral part of the design. They have been tried, tested and used on frontline service for over 20 years.
We hold in stock a wide range of emergency service garments and accessories, including ISOEN471 Class 3 & EN343 high-visibility waterproof jackets, cycle trousers, protective glasses, shirts, gloves, tactical vests, footwear, and EN1078 cycle helmets.
We fully support our clients with ‘off the shelf’ products that can be dispatched within 48 hours to any UK mainland location. Endura uniforms are available via direct local contracts and on national framework agreements.
We are proud to now supply over 90% of the UK’s Polices forces.